You don’t need a lot of proof to see how much electronic music has evolved since its conception. Back in the late 80’s when electronic music started to rise, there were only a few venues that used to host raves. Different raves and parties were thrown in underground venues or old factories. You only needed two turntables and a small mixer to get the crowd going. It was just the people and the DJ having a good time.
Nowadays the DJ needs to use more things to get the crowd going. Since electronic music has evolved so much, so has the live performance. Especially the more well known DJ’s have to bring more to their live performances to keep the crowd interested. They usually play in big venues and when you only have the DJ and the music to support the act, people could easily lose their interest. The stage is far away and people aren’t really impressed by the performance. Sometimes people aren’t even motivated to dance because the venue looks like one empty hall without the use of more equipment. This way the DJ will never really connect with his audience. Now a lot of well know DJ’s use big laser shows, dancers on stage and a huge screen behind their booths to support their performances.
This seems to be the ongoing trend for a lot of the performances in electronic music. And even though this is something new, there are already a couple of other electronic artists that want to take the live performances even further. Now it seems to be the drive to bring some form of interactivity between the DJ and the crowd. This form of interactivity is a new tool the DJ’s use to connect more with the audience. The latest project of Ed Banger Record’s head honcho Busy P is a great example of how DJ’s interact more with their audience. It’s called Busy Pictionary and it’s a collaboration between Busy P and Ed Banger’s graphic designer SO-ME. So whenever Busy P is DJ’ing he brings SO-ME with him on stage. SO-ME will then connect his laptop to a big screen behind Busy P and take pictures of the crowd which he eventually projects on the screen. SO-ME will then write or draw something on the picture for everyone to see in the crowd. The outcome is a funny and original message every time they upload a new picture in real time during the performance.
This is one of the many examples of how DJ’s are starting to interact more with their audience. Well know techno artist Plastikman even lets the audience decide which songs he plays next because of his new mobile application. In this app the concertgoer can see the setlist during the performance and alter the outcome of the songs. The most popular request eventually gets played by Plastikman.
It would be very interesting to see how this new trend will affect the future of the live performances. The concept of interacting with the audience is relatively old, but it is just now that we actually see different electronic artist doing something with it. So in the meantime we just have to wait and see if this new trend will pay off.
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1. Momentum = voortvarenheid
2. Damp = vochtig
3. Prompting = uitnodigen
4. Presence = aanwezigheid
5. Bold = stoutmoedig
6. Crevasse = gletsjerspleet/breuk
7. Cottage = buitenhuis
8. Arrangement = ordening
9. Embrace = omarmen
10. Drawback = keerzijde
11. Stark = kaal
12. Stacked = gestapeld
13. Sampler = aftaster
14. Embedded = ingesloten
15. Excel = uitblinken
16. Obscure = duister/weinig bekend
17. Conjuring = oproepen
18. Hommage = eerbewijs
19. Crossover = cruising
20. Thrust = stuwkracht
21. Generate = produceren/verwekken
22. Translucent = doorschijnend
23. Morphing = veranderen van vorm
24. Frenetic = krampachtig
25. Wobble = golven
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