donderdag 13 oktober 2011


So you want to know everything that is happening involving music? Then please, turn up the volume a little bit without disturbing your neighbors, sit back and read. You are now on Music Sandwich, which is a blog about trends in everything that has to do with music. So whether it’s a new kind of music you want to learn about or the way DJ’s interact with their audience, you will find it all here.

It’s safe to say that all the people that worked on this blog are big music lovers. Even though one person might  prefer HipHop and the other one classical music, in the end it’s all good.

We hope you enjoy this good blog, made by good people for a good cause (passing English).

Ernst Noyons        Janice Maduro                  Dennis Vinkka                   Hilke Heijmans

The DJ; genious musicians or buttonpushers?

By Ernst Noyons

The DJ scene is changing. Once the dj breed was a select group of individuals who lived for their music and made the profession look like playing a real music instrument. They carried a box with their CD’s or LP´s and had prepared a special selecting of songs to make the crowd go wild.
Now, it seems this has changed. With the evolution of all the laptops, portables mix tables, and USB sticks, everybody can be a DJ for a couple of hundred dollars.

Are the DJ´s artist?
Yes, but certainly not all of them. You can see them lined up in all the wrong tourist bars and “claim-to-be-clubs” whitch a attract a certain kind of crowd. A crowd that doesn’t care about the DJ performance, at least not really. They care about the popular songs and the sing-a-longs on which they now all the according moves and words. The influence of the media, technology and internet is undeniable. You can have your whole premixed music set in the back of your pocket and can even pretend pushing all kinds of button while he´s  acutely just acting like he knows what he is doing.
Some DJ´s are even known for not putting in effort on a gig. Playing the same set over and over again, and fans are noticing it.

There is so much more to this profession. The top pier DJ´s put time and thought in their live sets. It is built out of a range of separate tracks that the DJ has consciously chosen to include in the hour or two he gets. It is not a random selection. The DJ has chosen the tracks for a reason to generate emotions and feelings and connect with the crowd. So I still believe there is a segment of the DJ´s who are truly artist. The DJ that picks music carefully and packages it in a way that makes it appealing to an audience.

Furthermore, I see a bright future for the DJ as a profession. There have been calls for DJ education and this is inevitable. All around the world are workshops and lessons being given. It is only a matter of time before this will grow in quality and quantity. The DJ’s are the future musicians.
 “DJ's are perceived as "the new rock stars," these critics don't realize that our profession is facing a wave of "wanna-be-DJ's." We either train these DJ's how to do it right, or we let them poorly represent the DJ profession in public, which could lead to getting "grouped-in" with unprofessional DJ's and any negative stereotypes that they could potential bring to our industry.” – DJAcadamyThe DJAcadamy is a pioneer in DJ education and states the above about why all DJ’s should support DJ education.  

All and all I can conclude that the DJ is an artist, they are the future musicians.
Just stay away from the fake ones.

Acertain: Bepaalde
Mixset: Een lang durende mix van muziek nummers achter elkaar
constant flow: een voortdurende beweging
mechanical process: Mechanische proces
crescendo: Hoogtepunt, stijgende, toenemende
consciously chosen: Bewust gekozen
symphonic: Symphonie
a form of art: Een kunstvorm
through highs and lows: Met pieken en dalen
holding this belief: Ergens in geloven
convince the skeptics: De sceptici overtuigen
unique scene:
just blind chance: Blind geluk
Radical concepts: Radicale concepten
nurtured and managed: Verzorgd en behandeld
points of view: Visie, blik op de een onderwerp
, the vocalist - Zanger
the perception – perceptive, waarneming
subscription- Abbonemeren
superstars – Bekende personen
represented – Vertegenwoordigd
to define – Defieneren, verklaren
the retailers Verkopers
Infinity – Oneindig
of a lot different types – veel verschillende types

Versie 1
The DJ;  genious musicians or buttonpushers?
The DJ scene is changing. Once the dj breed was a select group of individuals who lived for their music and made the profession look like playing a real music instrument. They carried a box with their CD’s or LP´s and had prepared a special selecting of songs to make the crowd go wild.
Now, it seems this has changed. With the come of all the laptops, portables mix tables, and USB sticks, everybody can be a DJ for a couple of hundred dollars.
Is the DJ an artist? Yes, but certainly not all of them. You can see them lined up in all the wrong tourist bars and “claim-to-be-clubs” witch a attract a certain kind of crowd. A crowd that doesn’t care about the DJ performance, at least not really. They care about the popular songs and the sing-a-longs on which they now all the according moves and words.
The influence of the media, technology and internet is undeniable. You can have your whole premixed music set in the back of your pocket and can even pretend pushing all kinds of button while he´s  acutely just acting like he knows what he is doing.
Some DJ´s are even known for not putting in effort on a gig. Playing the same set over and over again, and fans are noticing it.
There is so much more to this profession. The top pier DJ´s put time and thought in their live sets. It is built out of a range of separate tracks that the DJ has consciously chosen to include in the hour or two he gets. It is not a random selection. The DJ has chosen the tracks for a reason± to generate emotions and feelings and connect with the crowd.
So I still believe there is a segment of the DJ´s who are truly artist. The DJ that picks music carefully and packages it in a way that makes it appealing to an audience.
Furthermore, i see a bright future for the DJ as a profession. Their have been calls for DJ education and this is inevitable. All around the world are workshops and such being given. It is only a matter of time before this will grow in quality and quantity. The DJ’s are the future musicians.
 “DJ's are perceived as "the new rock stars," these critics don't realize that our profession is facing a wave of "wanna-be-DJ's." We either train these DJ's how to do it right, or we let them poorly represent the DJ profession in public, which could lead to getting "grouped-in" with unprofessional DJ's and any negative stereotypes that they could potential bring to our industry.” - DJAcadamy
The DJAcadamy is a pioneer in DJ education and states the above about why all DJ’s should support Dj education.  
All and all I can conclude, Yes, the DJ is an artist, they are the future musicians.
Just stay away from the fake ones.

The Electronic Connection

You don’t need a lot of proof to see how much electronic music has evolved since its conception.  Back in the late 80’s when electronic music started to rise, there were only a few venues that used to host raves. Different raves and parties were thrown in underground venues or old factories. You only needed two turntables and a small mixer to get the crowd going. It was just the people and the DJ having a good time.

Nowadays the DJ needs to use more things to get the crowd going. Since electronic music has evolved so much, so has the live performance.  Especially the more well known DJ’s have to bring more to their live performances to keep the crowd interested. They usually play in big venues and when you only have the DJ and the music to support the act, people could easily lose their interest. The stage is far away and people aren’t really impressed by the performance. Sometimes people aren’t even motivated to dance because the venue looks like one empty hall without the use of more equipment. This way the DJ will never really connect with his audience. Now a lot of well know DJ’s use big laser shows, dancers on stage and a huge screen behind their booths to support their performances.

This seems to be the ongoing trend for a lot of the performances in electronic music. And even though this is something new, there are already a couple of other electronic artists that want to take the live performances even further. Now it seems to be the drive to bring some form of interactivity between the DJ and the crowd. This form of interactivity is a new tool the DJ’s use to connect more with the audience. The latest project of Ed Banger Record’s head honcho Busy P is a great example of how DJ’s interact more with their audience. It’s called Busy Pictionary and it’s a collaboration between Busy P and Ed Banger’s graphic designer SO-ME. So whenever Busy P is DJ’ing he brings SO-ME with him on stage. SO-ME will then connect his laptop to a big screen behind Busy P and take pictures of the crowd which he eventually projects on the screen. SO-ME will then write or draw something on the picture for everyone to see in the crowd. The outcome is a funny and original message every time they upload a new picture in real time during the performance.    
This is one of the many examples of how DJ’s are starting to interact more with their audience. Well know techno artist Plastikman even lets the audience decide which songs he plays next because of his new mobile application. In this app the concertgoer can see the setlist during the performance and alter the outcome of the songs. The most popular request eventually gets played by Plastikman.
It would be very interesting to see how this new trend will affect the future of the live performances.  The concept of interacting with the audience is relatively old, but it is just now that we actually see different electronic artist doing something with it. So in the meantime we just have to wait and see if this new trend will pay off.

Source Articles:
Other Sources:

1.       Momentum = voortvarenheid
2.       Damp = vochtig
3.       Prompting = uitnodigen
4.       Presence = aanwezigheid
5.       Bold = stoutmoedig
6.       Crevasse = gletsjerspleet/breuk
7.       Cottage = buitenhuis
8.       Arrangement = ordening
9.       Embrace = omarmen
10.   Drawback = keerzijde
11.   Stark = kaal
12.   Stacked = gestapeld
13.   Sampler = aftaster
14.   Embedded = ingesloten
15.   Excel = uitblinken
16.   Obscure = duister/weinig bekend
17.   Conjuring = oproepen
18.   Hommage = eerbewijs
19.   Crossover = cruising
20.   Thrust = stuwkracht
21.   Generate = produceren/verwekken
22.   Translucent = doorschijnend
23.   Morphing = veranderen van vorm
24.   Frenetic = krampachtig
25.   Wobble = golven

No really, this time it’s real

Free music downloading service Qtrax makes a restart

By Hilke Heijmans

The in 2008 founded downloading service Qtrax failed after it didn’t make the launchdates. Now the service makes a restart and is working in eleven countries including the United States, Australia and Hong Kong.  A lot of crisitsm doesn’t make it a smooth ride for Qtrax.

Being from the generation X, I know a lot about the history of downloading. When I was ten years old (year 2000) I saw the first homemade CD with illegal music. It sounded weird to me, that it is possible. But now, ten years later it is normal to have all your music for free.

It’s not illegal, it’s normal

As I said before, I was 10 years old when I heard about downloading music. In that time you could only find the mainstream songs. You could not download a whole album but you had to download every song separately. It seems like madness now  but it was a great invention in that time. After years of debating whether or not downloading should be punished, we now don’t seem to care about those things anymore; it’s normal.

Qtrax is oldfashioned

So why should Qtrax now, in a time where downloading is like eating breakfast, strart up a free legal downloadingservice? Are people really waiting for this?
Even though I wasn’t aware of the problems in the time when Qtrax failed, I do see now why this is probably happening again.
Qtrax is not the most famous downloadingservice it’s also not the easiest one. When you want to download a song by using Qtrax, you first have to go through some steps.

The steps that are going to ruin Qtrax
-          First you have to download Microsoft Silverlight
-          Then download the special Qtrax musicplayer
-          After you have these thing you have to go to the Qtrax downloadingsite
-          Now you can try to find a song that you like and that is legel

Qtrax makes buying CD’s seem to be a more logical choice than downloading.

Downloading vs. streaming

In my opinion Qtrax is being silly and should have succeeded years ago when downloading was new and exciting. There’s no way that a downloadingservice can be as successful as in the old days. Especcially not this downloadingservice.  Because what is the issue now? We have Spotify! This is a streamingprogram, which means you don’t even have to download the music to listen to it. Forget CD’s, Torrentz, Silverlight, iTunes and mediaplayer; Spotify is the easiest way to listen to music for free without it being illegal or a hustle.

I think that Qtrax has to come up with something clever to make this work for them. Even downloading through Torretz is at risk in this moment because of Spotify and also moviestreamingwebsites. Let’s face it, we like things for free, but we like our free things to be easy. 


Rephrase             Herformuleren                 Iets opnieuw formuleren
Axe                     Bijl                                  Voorwerp om mee te hakken
Muffler                Geluidsdemper                 Apparaat dat geluid dempt
Recruit                Werven                            In dienst nemen
Appliance            Toestel                              Werktuig dat uit meer dan één onderdeel bestaat
Engulfed              Overspoeld                        Overstromen
Extinction            Uitsterving                          Wegsterven
Adaption             Aanpassing                         Een verandering
Extracted            Afgezogen                           Door toepassing van zuiging gasvormige stof verwijderen.
Venue                 Plaats                                 Een plek of locatie
Collaborations    Samenwerkingen                 Gemeenschappelijke werkzaamheid
Feted                  Gevierd                               Beroemd
Aesthetic             Esthetische                         Bijvoegelijk naamwoord/gevoelig voor het schone
Roster                 Rooster                              IJzeren traliewerk
Emerged             Naar voren                         Vooruit
Clarity                 Helderheid                         Doorschijnend/Duidelijkheid
Showcase           Vitrine                                Glazen uitstalkast                           
Nocturnal            Nachtelijk                          Bijvoegelijk naamwoord/in de nacht
Frenzied              Waanzinnig                         Een uitdrukking om een gevoel te versterken/heel erg leuk
Pealing                 Pellen                                 Techniek om huid of schil te verwijderen
Swoon                 Zwijm                               Onmacht/flauwte
Sigh                     Zucht                                Diepe uitademing waarbij je een zacht geluid maakt
Drain                   Droogleggen                      Water weghalen
Urge Gates         Dranghekken                     Hekken die iets om iemand moeten tegenhouden
Bricklaying          Metselen                            Met stenen en cement iets bouwen

Versie 1

No really, this time it’s real
Free music downloading service Qtrax makes a restart

The in 2008 founded downloading service Qtrax failed after it didn’t make the launchdates. Now the service makes a restart and is working in eleven countries including the United States, Australia and Hong Kong.  A lot of crisitsm doesn’t make it a smooth ride for Qtrax.

Being from the generation X, I know a lot about the history of downloading. When I was ten years old (year 2000) I saw the first homemade CD with illegal music. It sounded weird to me, that it is possible. But now, ten years later it is normal to have all your music for free.

Let's mix it all up

By Janica Maduro 301C

Every day new music is being released. Examples are Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, House, Techno and way more genres. These days some artists are mixing it all up and especially with electronic music. Why is this happening? Are these artists really enjoying making the electronic music, or is it all about the money?
Electronic dance music (EDM) is electronic music that is produced for people that are going to nightclubs, or for people that just love it to listen to dance music in an environment where this type of music is being played. The music is also created for use by DJ's that want to be heard in a continuous DJ set.
Most artists love making music of their own genre. It's their passion and their life. It's the only thing they want to do. The question is why some artists decided to work with different artists from different music genres. We all can understand and imagine that it is fun to work with different artists. But it's also logic to think that they would do that with artists from their own music genre.
Electronic dance music is very popular in Europe. There are a lot of popular DJ's that are making good money with their electronic music. This type of music isn't that popular in the United States, but it's very popular in Europe though. There are a lot of artists that want to make music all over the world. That's why they decide tot work with famous DJ artists. As an example Chris brown is making music with Benny Benassi. Chris brown is a famous R&B artist in the United States. Benny Benassi is an Italian DJ, who is making electronic dance music. Not only Chris brown and Benny Benassi are mixing it up, but way more artists are doing this.
Another new trend of the last couple of years is that a lot of DJ's are mixing their music with music from other artists. In the Netherlands they are also making music by putting quotes of famous people into their song. An example of this fact is 'Britt', a well-known girl from a television program. She has become popular in the Netherlands because she's a bit dumb. A DJ decided to use text lines that were said by Britt into a song. This song became very popular in Holland. We can all tell that this is a very easy way to make music. Everybody can be rich by doing this.
The question if artists are making music because there passionate about it, or if they are just doing it to make money, I can’t answer. As long as the fans are happy with the music it is fine I guess. I hope artists know what they are doing. Music is important to everyone. The main goal of an artist is to reach the audience with their own music. I believe the only way to achieve that goal is to make music that their passionate about themselves. We’ll see how music will develop in the future.


  1. Purpose = bedoeling
  2. Imagine = voorstellen
  3. Continuous = doorlopend
  4. Dumb = dom
  5. Employs = bezighouden
  6. Associated = verbonden
  7. Achieve = bereiken
  8. Goal = doel
  9. Affordable = betaalbaar
  10. Oneself = vanzelf
  11. Develop = ontwikkelen
  12. Setting = zetwerk
  13. Environment = milieu
  14. Intention = bedoeling
  15. Understand = begrijpen
  16. Opinion = mening
  17. Well-known = bekend
  18. Example = voorbeeld
  19. Release = uitbrengen
  20. Famous = beroemd
  21. Primarily = vooral
  22. Progress = vooruitgang
  23. Broad = breed/wijd
  24. Presence = aanwezigheid
  25. Emphasize = nadruk leggen op