donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Let's mix it all up

By Janica Maduro 301C

Every day new music is being released. Examples are Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, House, Techno and way more genres. These days some artists are mixing it all up and especially with electronic music. Why is this happening? Are these artists really enjoying making the electronic music, or is it all about the money?
Electronic dance music (EDM) is electronic music that is produced for people that are going to nightclubs, or for people that just love it to listen to dance music in an environment where this type of music is being played. The music is also created for use by DJ's that want to be heard in a continuous DJ set.
Most artists love making music of their own genre. It's their passion and their life. It's the only thing they want to do. The question is why some artists decided to work with different artists from different music genres. We all can understand and imagine that it is fun to work with different artists. But it's also logic to think that they would do that with artists from their own music genre.
Electronic dance music is very popular in Europe. There are a lot of popular DJ's that are making good money with their electronic music. This type of music isn't that popular in the United States, but it's very popular in Europe though. There are a lot of artists that want to make music all over the world. That's why they decide tot work with famous DJ artists. As an example Chris brown is making music with Benny Benassi. Chris brown is a famous R&B artist in the United States. Benny Benassi is an Italian DJ, who is making electronic dance music. Not only Chris brown and Benny Benassi are mixing it up, but way more artists are doing this.
Another new trend of the last couple of years is that a lot of DJ's are mixing their music with music from other artists. In the Netherlands they are also making music by putting quotes of famous people into their song. An example of this fact is 'Britt', a well-known girl from a television program. She has become popular in the Netherlands because she's a bit dumb. A DJ decided to use text lines that were said by Britt into a song. This song became very popular in Holland. We can all tell that this is a very easy way to make music. Everybody can be rich by doing this.
The question if artists are making music because there passionate about it, or if they are just doing it to make money, I can’t answer. As long as the fans are happy with the music it is fine I guess. I hope artists know what they are doing. Music is important to everyone. The main goal of an artist is to reach the audience with their own music. I believe the only way to achieve that goal is to make music that their passionate about themselves. We’ll see how music will develop in the future.


  1. Purpose = bedoeling
  2. Imagine = voorstellen
  3. Continuous = doorlopend
  4. Dumb = dom
  5. Employs = bezighouden
  6. Associated = verbonden
  7. Achieve = bereiken
  8. Goal = doel
  9. Affordable = betaalbaar
  10. Oneself = vanzelf
  11. Develop = ontwikkelen
  12. Setting = zetwerk
  13. Environment = milieu
  14. Intention = bedoeling
  15. Understand = begrijpen
  16. Opinion = mening
  17. Well-known = bekend
  18. Example = voorbeeld
  19. Release = uitbrengen
  20. Famous = beroemd
  21. Primarily = vooral
  22. Progress = vooruitgang
  23. Broad = breed/wijd
  24. Presence = aanwezigheid
  25. Emphasize = nadruk leggen op

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